West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights


The Protection of Children
from Sexual Offences Act, 2012


The Juvenile Justice Act, 2015
(Care and Protection of Children)


The Right of Children to Free
and Compulsory Education Act, 2009


Welcome to the Official Website of West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights

Government of West Bengal in the Department of Child Development and Women Development and Social Welfare has set up West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights in exercise of powers under sub-section (1) read with clauses (a) to (d) of sub-section (2) under section 36 of the Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 with the objective of ensuring protection of children against all forms of abuse and violation of child rights. The Commission has also been mandated to examine all factors that inhibit enjoyment of Child Rights, look into the matters relating to children in need of special care and protection including children in distress and recommend appropriate remedial measures. The Commission will also under take periodical review of existing policies, promote and undertake research in the field of Child Rights. The commission shall also inspect or cause to be inspected any Child Care Institution and recommend necessary remedial action. The Commission will also enquire into complaints regarding deprivation and violation of Child Rights, non implementation and non compliance of laws and policies directed towards protection and development of children in the State of West Bengal.